PHASES 1 & 2

  • A young boy is sitting on his sister's back, smiling, in a sunny field.

    Phase 1

    During CHILD-BRIGHT Phase 1, from 2016 to 2021, we developed novel interventions to improve the health outcomes of children with brain-based developmental disabilities using child and family-focused approaches. We did this to optimize their development, as well as to identify ways to deliver more responsive and supportive services to them and their families. Thanks to our patient-oriented research approach, we made great strides and created positive change for these children and their families in Canada!

  • Shadow of a person in a wheelchair at the top of a hill, arms outstretched as a sign of victory

    Phase 2

    In CHILD-BRIGHT Phase 2, from 2022 to 2026, we will grow from Network to Movement and realize our mission: moving our patient-oriented research into action through insight and methods grounded in implementation science and knowledge mobilization that embed the principles of equity, diversity, inclusion, decolonization and Indigenization.

  • A father is holding his infant sun. Both are smiling widely.

    Phase 2 focus

    In Phase 2, we intend to augment our emphasis on equity, diversity, inclusion, decolonization and Indigenization (EDI-DI), and further shape our patient-oriented research, implementation science agenda, and knowledge mobilization efforts. We will do so by meaningfully engaging key people, paying careful attention to those who may experience differing health care needs due to socio-demographic factors, or whose voices have been historically excluded.

  • A clinician is smiling at the camera and holding a giant red heart.

    Phase 2 - Objective 1

    Using our Phase 2 funding, we will accomplish 5 objectives:

    Firstly, we will study how to bring novel, evidence-informed interventions to the health care and community systems. For this, we will select Phase 1 interventions that can be incorporated into health systems to serve the needs of children, youth, and families.

  • A father is pushing his daughter in a wheelchair. Both are smiling and the daughter has her arms outreached.

    Objective 2

    Secondly, we will co-build the infrastructure to spread relevant knowledge to knowledge users, such as children, youth and families, Indigenous and other equity-deserving communities, health professionals, and decision-makers in a targeted fashion, using tools such as podcasts, videos, policy briefings, dialogues, and champions.

  • Many hands form the shape of a lightbulb

    Objective 3

    Thirdly, we will train patient-oriented research teams to plan for equitable and sustainable health intervention implementation, spread, and scale.

  • A father and his son a holder hands on the beach and looking at the horizon. The son is sitting in a wheelchair.

    Objective 4

    Fourthly, we will support ongoing patient engagement in research and governance, and amplify patient voices in decision-making.

  • A father and son was walking, hand in hand, on a forest path. The son is looking up at his father and smiling.

    Objective 5

    Finally, we will build relationships with individuals and communities, and ensure that diverse and culturally appropriate strategies are embedded across the network.

  • A child is looking at the sunset. With his hands, he is making the shape of the heart around the sun.

    Meet our Phase 2 team leads